
Tuesday, March 9, 2010

thoughts and there

when i say life, i make it in a sense that it continues irrespective of our physical being. what is annihilated is our body, so the view can be contested by people who take life in its physical sense.
soul is a object, and when i say life( the best word that comes close to the sense ), i intend it to be a process. so our physical existence is futile but we extend beyond eternal life...

the great cause for us is now to realize our dharma. The duty we are endowed, that possibly existed in us across ages.

there is constant urge in us... to better ourselves, to do good, and more good, to make our existence ...meaningful. and therefore we analyse and act, our acts are reflected unto us, and the process continues , as we again analyse , and then act...
the process is realisation....self realisation.
the best in us, the highest achieved at the highest level of self realisation is parmatma.

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