
Monday, October 18, 2010

Bhartiya Value system and it's challenges

India's started a historic march toward's glory after the era of liberalisation. It brought with it a sense of self confidence and a hope for survival, after the chaotic 80's. Today,As We look forward to be a super power, There is both a Confidence and some sense of disbelief too. But there are larger questions to answer. Questions which are uncomfortable, challenging our value system.
Emancipation of Bharat lies in the emancipation of its 80 crore people, who are not living on the greener side of the fence.
Question of Corruption is fundamental, it demands reflection into the Indian psyche. It demands answers to the question which Raghunathan ji raised in his book "Games Indian Play", That is, "Why We are a failure collectively", Like wise Sister Nivedita, Disciple of Vivekananda ji once told that "West has to learn the family values of indians, and indians have to learn working as a team from the west (based on memory). For a common cause westerners can set aside thier differences, and this is what we have to learn from them, in order to become a collective success rather than being an individual brilliance.
But, A million dollar question is, How?
We are not born the way we are, So there is something in the way we are nurtured. Having a great Family values, is of course, a good thing, but personally i feel, It is this, Where we fail as a community, as a society, at a micro level.(to be continued)

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