
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Bhartiya Value system and it's challenges-2

Now Be very sure that, I am not a social scientist, and my observation may not be entirely scientific. But I am here to express my opinion.

Strong Family values mean that, Family is a strong and independent entity, knitted loosely to the society. For a lot of people, With Family, comes a sense of insecurity from the external environment. Also, any primary obligation is towards family. Then, Different families differ in the values they adhere to, skills, knowledge & set of experiences, which they transfer to their offspring.

This I feel, definitely, is one of the reasons why we failed in bringing cohesiveness, as a nation state in 12th and 13th century, accompanied by rigidities of cast structures, leading to autocratic rule. Ancient India didn’t preserved most of its knowledge in the documents, or even if it did so, it remained with the few families. I strongly feel that Indian scriptures do not prescribe, cast as an inborn quality, but values gained over time.

Now, Still It doesn’t mean that we have to adopt western values, but we have to look for genuine Indian solutions. Because, We did perform marvelously well with the same set of values. But difference is in the institutional structure that has changed over time.

To me revival of Gurukula system holds the key. Then, Gurukula meant to be an institution best in class, governed by the best of the masters, infact next to the King, same for all. This ensured uniformity of values, being transferred to the disciples. There, they learned to share and contribute. Knowledge was free, & was a state responsibility. Today if we can do this, I am sure, we will be a step closer to a castless society producing best in class people.

Numerous division of Indian society has to be taken over by the intense nationalism of quality people. Democracy has to be driven by nationalism. & Believe me, Indian nationalism can never be chauvinistic, by the virtue of its fundamental principle of universal love, brotherhood and infinite tolerance.


  1. I would certainly like to accept the gurukul system of education in which the master holded the key to open the unconscious gate of the students spiritual duty (a mix of karma and spirituality). In this sort of education the students did not inherit the quality of parents but of the commune in which they used to stay. But in the gurukul system only a kings kid (Kshatriya) could enter a specific gurukul. For e.g. eklavya and karan were deprived of these institutions, which is should be highly condemned in any modern society.
    Definitely the Indian society has a different opinion now to give education to the affluent society hampering the larger national interest. This is highly condemned in europe (except Britain). In europe, the student is given free compulsary basic education of high qualtiy. Also during the higher education the students recieve best education at a very nominal price.
    Coming to the second thought that India did not preserve any documents had a very significant meaning. Even Hinduism was a name given by the Mughals and was never there in any vedas. This was done in order to refrain people from holding or rather sticking to any belief, since our smart ancestors knew that the society and beliefs change and should change from time to time.
    The western values of abiding by the constitution at any cost must be followed in India as well. The struture of the institution will change in the coming future and we have to answer to our conscience about how we helped in changing this society to a better state.

  2. awesome! and now, ur blog looks colorful :)

  3. @aashiq: rightly pointed out that gurukal meant to be the right of upper stratas of society. Though Vedas & Gita do not subscribe to the view of caste being inherited, nevertheless it existed, & this is where we can evolve.

    Now, there is difference between orthodox impostion of knowledge and its evolution over time, before the Renaissance, Europe saw orthodox indoctrination, which you say as the evil effect of preserving the knowledge.
    But, This situation in itself reflects, a state where knowledge was not allowed to evolve, orthodoxies prevailed over reasoning.
    But, Renaissance changed it all over, it showed when knowledge is based on reasoning, logic and presents itself open to criticism and questioning, offers flexibility, IT actually evolves and works wonders. This is need of the hour.

  4. That is actually a right illustration of how the changes took place in the west. Western Renaissance was complete improvision of a new thoughtful mind over the traditional orthodox implications in the modern society. This Renaissance was upto a considerable amount the influence of a scientific thought for vandalising institutions of conflicting, unthoughtful or rather religious ideas.
    Well still I will defer with the idea that it was not opposed during that time since a considerable amount of written documents are found which described the killing of intellectual and even influential people.
    But rightly said that the orthodoxity still prevails in the west where a person like me from the east has to inform people about how life exists on this planet and unveil the secrets which were before discussed with the name of god.
    I guess that the difference really lies in the conscience of people from the west who really support the syncretism of thoughtful ideas into the existing orthodox situation.
    This is actually what I see in India now that the people are really making a journey to change the existing society. I would really like to discuss here the RTI act which has given people immense power to know the truth and also reveal it. Recently considerable number of people are losing there lives because of there willingness to improve the situation. But to my surprise I really am impressed with the RTI activists who are ready to give there life to change the situation. It seems like if the polticians kill 10 there are 1000 people who come up to collect the next information.
    This is the position where I really feel proud of my fellow citizens who can go to any extent to reveal the truth. I will say that the self-conscience uprise amongst Indians is ready to take over the corrupt politicians and tell them that nothing is more than the Constitution of India.

  5. well was nice reading your blog... was expecting your writing a blog on SEWA activities...
